Data Services

Helping our clients do the right things right.

Data Services

The foundation of any successful fundraising program is the database. In fact, it is usually the biggest asset!

Ensuring records are correct, consistent, and complete is a must – but it is often one of the most challenging areas to manage. We understand it can be difficult to know what the information is telling you.

Touchworks can help.

We get data!

We provide services to audit your current CRM, fundraising platforms and processes to ensure efficient data capture and streamlined process. We can help you make sense of your data in a way that will enable results-based decision making and more accurate revenue projections.

We provide the following data services:

  • DonorMetrix – Audit of current fundraising software capabilities, usage and historical giving analysis.
  • Tax receipt processing audits to assess existing procedures and make recommendations to improve them.
  • Coordination of merge/purge and other data services such as address correction, change of address, telephone append and duplicate elimination.
  • Donor Segmentation to determine the demographic and psychographic characteristics.
  • Donor Database Code Maintenance

We will also help you build your monthly giving program, establish donor-centric gift acknowledgement and recognition procedures and find the best ways to integrate mail, phone and digital mediums for maximum impact and return on investment.

And if you’re not sure about your existing program or whether or not you have the right technology and in-house resources to fulfill your goals, we can help. We will conduct an audit of your program and its infrastructure and give you our best advice for improvement.

Our Services

For more than 30 years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to the social impact sector, upholding values of respect and integrity.

Our commitment to exceptional client care and service is driven by our passion to help our clients do the right things right!

Strategic Counsel

Providing you with practical fundraising strategies and mentoring that make an impact.

Brand Development

We can help you create a living brand that connects with your supports.

Annual Giving

Direct Mail Fundraising is our expertise. We can help grow your program with ethical Direct Response Marketing.

Creative Services

Our copywriting and graphic design teams understand – communicating respectfully with donors matters.

Data System Solutions

We get data! Start with an audit – DonorMetrix will help you make data-based decisions.

Project Management

Successful fundraising is all about the details. We manage all types of fundraising projects.

Grant Writing

We manage the entire grant process from start to finish: research, writing, submission, and reporting. 

Remember, to your supporters it’s all about your “Why”. We can help bring it to life.

Other Services

We can also help with Donor Stewardship, Peer-to-Peer, Major Gift Prospecting, and more.

Make More Connections

We can help you find and connect with donors in a more meaningful and productive way. Contact us today to find out how.

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We Can Help

Reach out to find out how.


+1 250-248-5544


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